Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Accomplishments of the Nigerian Petroleum Development Company

Jamil Abubakar serves as a pilot and first officer for Azman Air, where he leverages extensive experience flying Boeing jets. A graduate of Kingston University of London and Enfield College, Jamil Abubakar also serves as the executive director of Aximites Energy.

Since its founding in 2012, Aximites Energy has established itself as a leading oil and gas provider in Nigeria. Currently, the firm specializes in the development of upstream and downstream sources, and works with clients such as Delta State University and the Nigerian Petroleum Development Company (NPDC).

The NPDC focuses on petroleum exploration and production in Nigeria, and has operated as a subsidiary of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) since its founding in 1988. As the fourth largest oil producer in Nigeria, the NPDC delivers over 600 standard cubic feet of liquid gas daily to the domestic market. Moreover, the organization currently holds 21 oil mining licenses (OMLs) and seven oil prospecting licenses (OPLs) that include deepwater sites. For further information on the accomplishments of the NPDC, visit www.npdc.nnpcgroup.com. 

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